My buddy, Thaya, over at mentioned this approach to me over a year ago (he’s been having great results with his weight loss) but the second I saw the word “fasting”, it turned me off because I associate that to losing weight, something I don’t want to do. However, I came across it again during my research on getting a six pack and looked more into it.
It doesn’t matter how motivated your mind is, if your body is lacking in energy, you won’t be able to do much. Take care of your body. Eat right and get some exercise. You can get a lot more done when you have the energy to bounce out of bed in the morning compared to having to muster up every ounce of energy you have just to drag yourself out of bed.
If you have friends or family that always have drama or cause you stress no matter how much time you have invested in the relationship you should quit now! There is no need in killing yourself over someone who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves. Most of the time, people don’t change. Don’t waste your whole life on people who aren’t worth it.
If you break it down, most goals are easy to achieve. You just have to perform certain tasks long enough to achieve your desired outcome. The challenge for most people however, is in being consistent. Challenges, obstacles, setbacks, these things cause most people to feel discouraged and as a result, they stop taking action because in their minds, they don’t see the point. They lose their motivation.
Finally, after more than 3.5 years, I decided to give my site a new look. I’ll probably still tinker with the design here and there but so far, I like it better than my old design. For those of you who are long time readers of this site, I hope you find the site more aesthetically pleasing. The comment functions are now all updated and overall, I think the site is cleaner and has more functionality than before. I’m not too crazy about the header but I’m not much of a designer so I may be changing that from time to time.
If you want to be really great at something however, enough where you can actually make a career out of it, it’s going to take a lot of time and energy which means you’ll have less time for other things… which means, that’s right, you’ll be average or really crappy at most things.
Sometimes, you may find that your entire plan is off and you’ll have to change what you’re doing completely even if it means changing careers or quitting your current path in order to follow a new path up the same mountain. It could even mean taking several steps back in order to move further ahead. You may even have to drop all of your goals and just focus solely on one goal.
Don’t let the bad things in life bother you. Keep it real and be happy because getting worked up about the small things is a waist of time you will never get back. And tomorrow’s never promised so make the best of today. And then when tomorrow doesn’t come for you, you will have no regrets. (Chance, 16)
However, that would make for a pretty boring story don’t you think? Great stories of accomplishment involves the main character overcoming great obstacles. You’re the creator of your own story and since you have to actually live the story you write, I recommend that you make sure you write a good one; one that has the power to one day inspire your kids and grand kids to keep pursuing their dreams despite whatever challenges life decides to throw at them.
If you play a sport, then you’ll know you improve the most when you play someone who’s way better than you. They force you to step up your game to levels you’ve never been at before. Your mindset is completely different. Although you may know you’ll lose, you make up your mind that you will refuse to go down without an epic fight. You will force your opponent to acknowledge your presence and even induce moments of fear of being over taken by someone that probability says cannot win.
The best time of your life may still be ahead of you but it won’t just magically show up, you have to create it. It’s in your power to create whatever future you want for your life. Even if your best days are truly behind you, you can still have plenty of great days ahead of you if you decide to make it so.
Since we all have different schedules, there’s no “right” time to start and stop your eating window. You just have to figure out which time frame works best for you. For me, I normally stop eating about 6 hours before I go to bed so by the time I wake up, I only have another 2 hours before my eating window starts again.
People are motivated in different ways so choose the one that will work best for you. You can also use both approaches as well. When things are going as planned, you can keep that momentum going by visualizing how it will feel at the moment of success. When things aren’t going so great and you feel like giving up, visualize the disappointment you’ll have if you just quit now.
Taking action when you feel like it is child’s play. Anyone can do that. Taking action when it’s the last thing you want to do, however, takes discipline and a strong desire to achieve the results you’re after.
If you’re an all or nothing type of person, meaning you’ll either take action or take no action, then here’s something you can try. Instead of having days where you fall behind on your goals and completely quit all together until enough pain builds up to get you motivated to take action again, try the something-is-better-than-nothing technique.
I puzzled about it for a moment then realized how totally engrossed I was in the wonderful display of unconditional love not more than an arm’s length away from me.
In the world of positive thinking, self-help, personal growth… the common recommendation is to do what you love. If you love art, become an artist. If you love music, do something in that field and so on. The reason for this is if you hate your job, you won’t be very happy.
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What 2012 will hold for you will largely depend on the decisions you make and the actions you take or choose not to take. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to do what it takes to make 2012 the best year yet. I know it will take hard work. I know it will take some sacrifices. I know I’ll have to deal with moments of discouragement. I know that even if I give it all I’ve got, there’s still a chance of failure. However, I also know that by pushing myself, I will grow in every aspect. Going for a huge, out of reach goal will cause you to grow more than going for a goal well within your reach.
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People who end up with illnesses later on in life didn’t develop them overnight. It took years or even decades of eating bad foods or being inactive. This goes the same for relationships as well, whether it’s with your spouse, kids, or friends. Kissing your spouse a few seconds longer, hugging your kids a bit more often, spending a bit more time with your closest friends, these seemingly insignificant things overtime, can become quite significant.
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During my college days and part of my high school days, I played a lot of video games and watched a lot of TV. All of the time I spent doing those things could’ve been used to learn a few skills that I would actually still be using today.
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- Joyful Note -